Friday, September 25, 2009

now that i'm gone.

I hope you're living each day your fullest with a real smile on your face. I hope you're the happiest you've ever been and I hope you're never sad. I hope you found someone to treat you well and hold you close. I hope you don't get as mad and I hope that when you do you feel better as soon as possible. I hope every detail in your life is close to perfect. I hope you're staying strong through out every difficulty you encounter. I hope that ever night you think about how amazing your day was. I hope that any time you fall you get right back up with a positive attitude. I hope you're never hurting inside or out. I hope you're life is going good now that I'm gone. I hope that as days go by you keep telling your self to smile no matter what because life is worth it. But most of all, I hope your sharing your love with the world and I hope the world is sharing it with you.

Monday, September 14, 2009

his laugheter made me cry.

I sat there alone trying to be strong, trying to hold my self together but a piece of me weakened and fell off into tears. I remembered your laugh. I remembered how cute it was and how every time I heard it my heart beat would rise. I remembered how every time I dialed your number, I would think of something funny to say just to hear that adorable laugh of yours again. And thats when I gave up. I realized I may never hear your sweet laugh ever again let alone even your voice. As much as I don't want you back in my life I would do anything to hear you laugh one last time. I wish it didn't have to be this way but we both know that deep down I was hurting inside. If only it could have been different. If only you could have stayed in that one mood where you would laugh and smile. If only it could have happened that way. I am over you now but I know that if I hear that laugh of yours one more time, my heart will remember where it's true home is.

Friday, September 11, 2009

let me be free.

I'm free now to change, to show you who I really am, I'm free now to start a new beingin, a fresh start, I'm positive this is what I want and what I want is you. I love you. I am now free to show it.